Hellloooooo you lovely super nice readers!
I don’t normally blog on a Friday night, but I just got the nod that I can share my news…which I have been sitting on now for a couple of months and busting a gut not to mention.
Extracted has been optioned for a TV series!!!!
Oh my days. How cool is that! I’m not allowed to say who has optioned it, or give any more information out, but blimey, what a thing. My first option! Break out the Earl Grey tea eh? let’s dunk some biccies and dance about to some Tiffany.
To remain grounded it is worth mentioning that lots of books get optioned by TV and movie people, but very few get made. Even super duper #1 worldwide bestselling awesome household name books have been optioned and never actually made, so it really is just a stage in a very long process. But, positive thinking and all that….and OH MY GOSH!!!! EXTRACTED HAS BEEN OPTIONED FOR A TELLY SERIES….
Righto. Thanks for letting me share that and I hope you are all super well and enjoying your weekend.
Love hugs and kisses Rich