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The Undead Day Sixteen competition

The Undead Day Sixteen has been released and what a response!

The day of release is always a time of intense nerves on my part. There is a wave of panic and uncertainty that I should have re-worked that scene, or changed that dialogue.

There is no such as a perfect novel. The thing one author writes is different to what every other would do. In the end I abided by new mantra and stopped fucking about and got on with it.

In the meantime, and as a way of trying not to fret and worry and panic and run about the house whimpering…I decided to harass Eddy the artist instead.

We have rambling conversations about all manner of things, we come up with weird n wonderful ideas the like of which should probably never see the light of day.

However, one gem of an idea popped out.

An illustrated version?

Could we do an illustrated version of one of the books? Would readers like it? How would it be done? It would be a huge amount of hard work for Eddy as he would need to go through and work out the best scenes to pick from, then of course translate that into a visual arts format….in black and white…then we’d need to work out how to whack that image into the document so it can be loaded on Kindles and iPads etc.

I always do a competition for the release of The Undead books as it’s my way of saying thanks (coughs into his hand about generating reviews and looks away sheepishly…then glances up to see if anyone noticed)

So. The competition for the release of The Undead Day Sixteen is the following…

This is a scene from The Undead Day Sixteen

Sketch1 - Copy

The competition is simple.

Work out which scene this is from.

Tell me the chapter and the scene, describe it so there’s no mistake.

Use the comments section below.

Leave a four or five star review on Amazon (UK) but make sure the name you put the comment under is the same as your reviewer name on Amazon.

I will tally them together and pick a winner.

No…I will pick two winners!

Bollocks…make it three…..three winners…….

The winners get Undead goodies, signed books, cups and that kind of stuff.

Also – Eddy asked me to find out if there is a demand for an illustrated version of The Undead Day Sixteen. Would you like to see an illustrated version?

I cannot thank you enough for all the incredible support you have given for the series. It’s humbling in a way I can never describe.

Sorry for the delay between books.

I better go, I’ve got The Undead Day Sixteen Part Two to continue writing….

Take care

RR Haywood


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