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Will Save The Galaxy For Food by Yahtzee Croshaw

I stumbled across Yahtzee Croshaw a wee while back when I was working through a sub-genre called LitRPG (about real people being immersed in online games) and found a book called Mogworld.

It was basic but unique enough to make me remember him, so I tried another of his books called Jam – a piss-take post-apoc story about a murderous layer of jam covering a city in Australia. Again, the writing was basic and a bit plodding in parts but funny and original enough for me to finish and enjoy the tale.

Then I found his latest book – Will Save The Galaxy For Food and boy, am I glad I did. (I actually tried it out as an audiobook first but Croshaw self-narrates with accents and voices that I just couldn’t get into.)

Will Save The Galaxy For Food is a brilliantly fresh tale of a washed-up space-ship-fighter-pilot being dragged into a series of adventures with aliens, space-ship chases, goodies, baddies and everything you need for a nice happy read.

The pace is spot on and from the opening page you know where you are with a singular narrative that means all the work is done for you and the gorgeous words are fed into your brain to make you chuckle and feel good.

It’s safe too, in a non-swearing, non-sexual, non-aggressive kind of way while not being boring.

It’s very Douglas Adams

– in fact, the style, flavour, texture, content, and product as a whole are the closest to Adams I have seen since…well since Douglas Adams I guess, and anyone who enjoyed Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy will love this.

Will Save The Galaxy For Food is highly recommended if you fancy a light-hearted space romp that doesn’t take itself too seriously and is effortless in delivery of the story.

A hoot from start to finish….oh and I love the cover. Original art covers really stand out for me.

Take care

RR Haywood


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