Come back, no sod off…no but come back…
Gosh, it has been busy. I thought working full time, writing and having four dogs was hard but I don’t think I have ever been busier...
Come back, no sod off…no but come back…
I went on a date! (with a person not a spider)
Lily by Gabriel Thorn
“I want your gun and your badge Haywood…”
Unseen by Tracey Mallaby
The Living Army
And the winner is…
Fancy being a character in the next Undead? Read here…
Turning daisies into guns
Spider in the room 3
Spider in the room 2
Spider in the room.
Spoilt misogynist twat is what you are
Go on…have a go!
Dead Life by D Harrison Schleicher
Day Sixteen…my apologies
The Undead Day Sixteen competition
The Undead Day Sixteen
The Undead Day Sixteen